Pestalozzi-Seminar in Deutschland – Frist: 27.02.16Pestalozzi-Seminar i Tyskland – Frist: 27.02.16

Unter dem Titel „Challenging learning (and teaching) encounters“ findet vom 27.-29. April das diesjährige Pestalozzi-Seminar in Deutschland statt. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Seminar. Die Arbeitssprache ist Deutsch. Das Seminar findet in Meißen statt! Auf dieser Seite finden Sie den Link zur Veranstaltung und zur Online-Bewerbung.

Bewerbungsfrist ist der 27.02.16.

Beachten Sie auch:

  • Travel and subsistence expenses: Travel expenses of participants from the signatory States are covered by the Council of Europe according to the rules. Travel expenses for the participants from the host country are covered by their own authorities.
  • Subsistence expenses: Accommodation and meals are covered by the organisers (host country/ host institution/ Council of Europe)“

Siehe auch:Årets Pestalozzi-seminar finner sted i Tyskland under tittelen  „Challenging learning (and teaching) encountersfra 27.-29. april . På denne siden finner du ytterlige informasjoner om seminaret.

Die Arbeitssprache ist Deutsch.

Arbeidsspråket er tysk. Seminaret arrangeres i Meißen. Auf På denne siden finner du lenken til arrangementet og til søknadssiden

Søknadsfristen er 27.02.16.

Legg merke til:

  • Travel and subsistence expenses: Travel expenses of participants from the signatory States are covered by the Council of Europe according to the rules. Travel expenses for the participants from the host country are covered by their own authorities.
  • Subsistence expenses: Accommodation and meals are covered by the organisers (host country/ host institution/ Council of Europe)“

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